E.B. Scripps Academic Fundraising Partnership

What is the AFP?
Ellen Browning Scripps (EBS) Academic Fundraising Partnership (AFP) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing students with enhanced educational experiences in academics and citizenship through enrichment programs and essential support. This is achieved through both personal involvement and financial contributions. The foundation also keeps its members informed on all aspects of the AFP programs at the school.
All parents of EBS students are welcome to join the AFP, which has no minimum contribution requirement.
Funds raised by the AFP remain at EBS, and all donations are tax-deductible. According to our budget, the AFP allocates approximately $270 for each student at EBS, ensuring that all students benefit from the funded enrichment programs.
We welcome you to join our monthly meetings, which take place on the first Wednesday of each month at 5:30 PM via Zoom. We encourage interested participants to register for each meeting, and invitations will be sent to all registered attendees before each session.
What We Do With The Funds Raised
Math Club
MakerSpace Lab
Science Night
Facility Improvements Like Playground Equipment & Shade Structures
Computer Lab, Instruction & Lesson Materials
Fine Artists Program
Character Education
Everyone A Reader (EAR)
Class Size Reduction
School Assemblies Such As
Anti Bullying
There's No Place For Hate
Curriculum Support
Classroom Materials