“Good character is more to be praised than outstanding talent. Most talents are to some extent a gift. Good character, by contrast, is not given to us. We have to build it piece by piece—by thought, choice, courage and determination.” – John Luther Long
About Character Ed
The Character Education team seeks to build a foundation of good character for the students at EBS. We begin by defining one character trait each month. We talk about what that trait looks likes in different environments, school, home, community. Volunteers spend about 30 minutes each month facilitating a lesson. There are discussions, books to read, science experiments, group activities, role playing and skits, which relate to each character trait. Lesson plans and frequently asked questions can be found on this website to help get you started.
Our goal is for EBS students to find it rewarding to exhibit good character traits. They should come to understand that these traits will help them be successful at school and in life. We have developed the lessons to be fun and engaging for students and volunteers. Children feel a great sense of joy when their parent leads a lesson.